Saturday, November 14, 2009

3 C's of Communication

Being able to lead comes down to our ability to communicate. People trust leaders that are able to genuinely connect. I have observed teams grow and excel when the 3 C's of Communication are present.

Courage - Be willing to have difficult conversations
Candor - Being able to be very specific in addressing the issues
Consideration - Present the message in the listener’s frame of reference

To grow our effectiveness in communication we need to understand where we need to improve our skills and work to master the concepts of courage, candor and consideration. The better we do with these three the more effective we will be in communication. To demonstrate that we care about the people that we work with we need to be consistent in our communication. Ask the people that are closest to us to give us their feedback and then work on personal improvement. Challenge the members of your team to improve themselves and work on what it will take for the time to engage more effectively. By working by intention we will be able to improve our play and increase our effectiveness with the other members of our team.

Bob Coulter

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