Saturday, January 31, 2009

Selling Value in the Midst of Challenge

We all have to keep in mind that what is in your mind translates into your words, your actions and your results. To close the gap between what we need and what we get, we need to have a clear picture in our belief window. That clarity will propel our actions and bring us to our goals. Remember to insure that you have the right frame of mind as you tackle the challenges in your path.

We need to review how we see the world today and realize that our PERCEPTION will drive what happens to us. Each member of the team needs to BELIEVE that they can be successful and realize that their frame of mind will set them up for either success or failure. We have to work in partnership to overcome the challenges that are in our path.

It is very important to understand what key elements have to be in place to achieve our sales and revenue objectives. It is very important to be able to communicate who we are as a company and who we want to be. It is very important that we are able to articulate our value. Success comes from delivering value as seen by our PROSPECTS and USTOMERS.

Each person that sells has to understand Customer needs, build relationships and an earn credibility. New sales don’t come overnight and will come through relationships. We need to be intentional about spending 20% of our time in fostering relationship. It is very important to practice active listening to really understand their goals and needs. We have to be very hands on in having enough personal touches. These touches will be both in person, on the phone and via email.

An area that sometimes we neglect is the follow-up touch points. Great closing rates come from following up with your prospects. You want to insure that you are in front of your prospects after they get their proposal and hopefully close the deal. You want to have a specific plan for how you follow-up spending the right amount of time to make this happen. I believe that this is should be about 20% of your time.

We need to be sure to spend time on the right things and achieve goals on each front. By laying out where we need to be in each area we can stay focused and set ourselves up for long term success. We need to determine what our sales cycle is so that we know where we are in working with a prospect through the process. This is a guide that can hopefully help you to stay focused on the right thing.

Bob Coulter

1 comment:

  1. Getting a good process around 20% of my time going towards follow-up really hits home! I'm afraid to think of the great opportunities that our lost without a good process for follow up.
