Saturday, January 9, 2010

Growing Senior Leaders

It is a great time of year to focus upon personal development. Each organization needs to get their people to function at a higher leadership level. It is important to see the difference between where you have been and where you need to be. Each leader has to partner with them to set expectations for each individual. You want to look at who owns the daily goals, who owns the monthly goals and finally who owns the long term company strategy. To grow Senior Level Leaders you want to establish a plan for how you can gain exposures and experiences that prepare you to take the next steps. Here are a few things that need to be addressed by senior leaders.

1. Provides direction to the organization by creating and communicating Vision
2. Defines critical business opportunities and needs that exist for your company
3. Exercises power responsibly be leading individuals and teams to grow while building organizational competency
4. Obtains essential resources and partners across functions to get the right people in the right place
5. Sponsor and groom promising individuals preparing them for leadership roles
6. Represents the organization to critical audiences and develops an ear to listen to your customers
7. Stimulates others through ideas and knowledge
8. Proactively serves as a mentor, coach or idea leader in developing others
9. Builds an internal and external network

Bob Coulter

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